Release Notes

Jul 8, 2024

Export summarized

Export summarized time and expense entries by client, project and task.


Jun 22, 2024

Archive labels and team members

Archive and restore labels and team members directly from the right side of the list.


May 29, 2024

Issue Tracker Integrations

Create new tasks from Jira, GitHub and GitLab issues.


March 25, 2024

Minor Improvements

• Shows a tooltip in the task dropdown, which is helpful when the task name is too long.
• Graceful handling when no numbers are entered in the time field.
• Fixed issues while importing estimates from GrandTotal.
• Fixed double scrollbars under Linux and Windows.

February 21, 2024

macOS: 'Do Not Disturb' Mode

Switch to the 'Do Not Disturb' mode to suppress notifications from Clockograph.


macOS: Schedule reminders

In the settings, you can now define a time range and days of the week when you want to be notified.


February 14, 2024

macOS: Reworked status bar menu

There is now a separate group for tasks started today, and the duration of the current timer is displayed in the status bar.


January 19, 2024

macOS: New 'Timer stopped' notification

Clockograph displays a notification with an 'Undo' action if the timer has been stopped automatically.


macOS: Support & Feedback dialog

Contact me through the new 'Help > Support & Feedback' menu item, and easily attach logs, preferences, and screenshots.


January 15, 2024

Region setting

You can now specify the region in your settings next to the language. Numerical values will then be formatted and interpreted accordingly.


Weekday in list view

The list view now shows the weekday in the date header.


December 28, 2023

macOS: 'Nothing to track?' reminder

Displays the name of the last used task in the time tracking reminder.


macOS: GrandTotal plugin

GrandTotal does automatically download and install the Clockograph macOS app and set up the plugin.


December 25, 2023

Edit records inline

Change the start date and task directly in the list view. Multi-record editing is still possible. Select the records on the left and press the "..." button at the bottom.


December 5, 2023

Official release

Clockograph is now officially released. Thank you for all the feedback and support!


November 23, 2023

macOS: 'Nothing to track?' reminder

The "Nothing to track?" reminder now has a "Start last timer" and "Start new timer" action.


macOS: New preference

Added new preference "Show ... recently used tasks" to limit the number of items in the status bar menu.


macOS: Start new timer

The status bar menu has a new "Start new timer" item at the bottom.


November 16, 2023

Project templates

Use project templates when working on similar projects so you don't have to create the same project over and over again.


October 23, 2023

Reworked Sign-up

The sign-up has fewer steps and requires less information.


October 11, 2023

Running timer indicator

The running timer indicator has been redesigned to be more noticeable and easier to associate with the project thanks to the use of colors.


macOS: New preference

New "Stop timer when inactive" preference.


September 28, 2023


Assign budgets to tasks and monitor the remaining funds.


September 13, 2023

Import estimates

Set up tasks in Clockograph by importing estimates from GrandTotal.


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